
Using technology for a more just and sustainable society.

Stefan Kasberger
38, Vienna, Austria

Working as a Python Developer & DevOps Engineer at AUSSDA – The Austrian Social Science Data Archive, spending most of my time in the Dataverse universe. In addition, I also work as a freelancer.

– Dataverse + Python : Developing tools like pyDataverse and Dataverse Tests
– DevOps + Dataverse : Designing, operating and maintaining a CI/CD pipeline; Migrating data from and to Dataverse (NESSTAR, DSpace, Dataverse)
– Web-Apps + Python : Developing web-apps / microservices with FastAPI, Flask and Django like fhe-collector and owat_api
– Trainings : Conducting workshops, trainings and courses

Studying Environmental System Science (Geography) at the University of Graz, with focus on Computational Social Science and Sustainability.

Lead at Offene Wahlen AT.

Photo Stefan Kasberger